Fiber Insulated Roof Panels and Why the Roof is the Main Risk to Energy Loss

fiber insulated roof panels As much as 40% of your heating costs are associated in one way or another with your roof. This is due to the basic scientific fact that heat rises and so much of the heat you generate to warm the lower floors eventually winds up rising to and escaping through your roof. The rising of heat within the home creates a sort of chimney effect which draws more cold air into the house. The more heat that’s lost through the roof the more cold air gets pulled into the house, the more you’ll have to spend heating that cold air.

Fiber Insulated Roof Panels and Why You Want a Properly Insulated Roof

  • The problem – It’s estimated that as many as ¾ of all buildings, whether homes or commercial establishments, have insufficient insulation in the roof. With so many roofs poorly insulated it may seem that the subject of roof insulation is simply too complex for most builders to fathom. But in reality most roofs are poorly insulated because it’s cheaper to build them that way. The need for proper insulation is actually pretty easy to understand.
  • Wintertime insulation – As we mentioned much of the heat you pay so dearly for rises up through your house and escapes through your roof. As it does in sucks in cold air on the lower floors to take its place; cold air that you then have to heat up before it too winds up escaping through the roof. It’s a vicious, expensive cycle. Installing fiber insulated roof panels will bring much of this heat loss to an abrupt end.
  • Summertime insulation – If you have an attic in your home you know how hot they can get in the summertime. This is due to poor insulation in the roof. As the attic heats up the ceiling of the floor below heats up causing the room to heat up causing the air conditioning system to have to work harder. Installing insulated roof panels will prevent the upper reaches of your home from becoming heat engines that tax your air conditioning system.
  • Don’t stop with the roof – If you’re serious about preventing heat loss through the roof you’ll want to make sure the entire attic is properly insulated – that’s floor, walls, everything – and that the windows in the attic are new, double-pane and sealed up tight to prevent heat escaping through and around them as well. With the 1-2 punch of a properly insulated roof and attic you’ll be shutting down the chimney effect for good.

Insulated roof panels will provide you with the highest degree of air tight insulation you can achieve through normal construction methods. Once your roof is properly sealed and insulated against the elements you’ll begin to see drastic reductions in your monthly energy bills and a drastic increase in the overall comfort of your home.

For top quality fiber insulated roof panels contact Eco-Insulation Panel Manufacturing. We’re leading the way in the adoption of this remarkable, breakthrough construction technique and we can help turn your London property into a paragon of energy efficiency.