Home Design Using Insulated Metal Panels

Home design has progressed. In the past, architects and designers had little say in the production of building materials. But now, designers, architects, and homeowners are more mindful of the effects their construction materials create. That is why insulated metal panels (IMPs) are gaining ground in the building industry. IMPs are cost-effective, sustainable, environment-friendly and capable of standing the test of time. So how do you best design a home using IMPs?

Consider The Style

Available in a variety of colors and profile shapes, IMPs are able to meet a wide range of varying design preferences. IMPs even boast a multitude of finishes resembling traditional construction materials, such as precast concrete, stucco, masonry and more. When designing your home, consider how you want the facade to look, and how you can integrate metal panels into that facade.

Consider Insulation Requirements

When it comes to home design using insulated metal panels, you may also want to mix in some single skin metal panels for aesthetic purposes. This gives you greater control over where insulation is needed, and avoids spending money on IMPs where a single skin may be more suitable. 

Consider Durability 

The facings of IMPs already function as finished surfaces, while at the same time, provide air, weather, thermal and vapor protection for exterior walls. They also require far less load bearing than traditional building materials. Meaning when you design your home using IMPs, you can design an open floor plan that needs far less materials.

More Than Just A Wall

Insulated metal panels can be used as exterior cladding, roofing, and even flooring! Meaning all these areas of your home or building can be constructed quickly and more efficiently than traditional building materials. IMPs can even be designed with the ability for utilities to run through them, meaning no drilling!

There’s no doubt, insulated metal panels are the future of building construction and design. If you want an IMP system for your own home, feel free to get in touch with us. Our qualified team of professionals would be happy to help you along the way! Contact us today at 1.855.838.9393 or info@ecoinsulatedpanels.com.

Can IMPs Decrease Construction Time?

New construction can be an intimidating project to undertake. From flooring to wiring, there are so many details that go into the planning of a home or building. Not to mention the execution; which is a process that can vary dramatically depending on which material you choose to build with. A house constructed of wood, concrete, or insulated metal panels will all require different methods of planning and timelines. Which leaves the question – can any of these materials, such as insulated metal panels, decrease construction time?

Insulated Metal Panels Are Quicker & Cheaper!

The short answer is yes! A building constructed using metal panels can be erected far quicker than buildings using timber or concrete. You can expect construction time of a building utilizing metal panels to be reduced, both by time and by dollars, by about 20% to 40%

How Do IMPs Decrease Construction Time?

Insulated metal panels arrive pre-manufactured and pre-engineered – ready for construction. This means they are already precise in measurement, and simply need to be placed together. Not only does this save time on the job site, but also significantly reduces the necessary amount of material that’s needed to build. Meaning less waste and a lower carbon footprint. Because IMPs do not require as much load bearing support, construction with them also allows more flexibility for an open floor plan.

IMPs Aren’t Just For Walls

Insulated metal panels can be used as exterior cladding, roofing, and even flooring! Meaning all these areas of your home or building can be constructed quickly and more efficiently than traditional building materials. If aesthetics are a concern, rest your mind knowing IMPs come in a wide range of styles, materials, and finishes.

Not only do insulated metal panels decrease construction time, but overall construction and labor costs as well. Wondering if insulated panels are right for you? Our qualified team of professionals would be happy to help you! Contact us today at 519-451-7663 or info@ecoinsulatedpanels.com.

Can You Paint Insulated Panels?

Insulated Metal Panels (IMPs) are taking the world by storm! Easy to install, durable, and eco-friendly – IMPs also come in a wide variety of styles and colors. And while most IMPs come pre-finished, over time these finishes can fade. Or perhaps you wake up one day and decide you’d like a different look. Causing you to ask the question…can IMPs be painted? Insulated Eco Panels has the solution.

YES – Metal Panels Can Be Painted

Although the factory coatings on IMPs are typically quite durable, over time they can chalk and erode, leading to fading of color and a loss of gloss. In extreme cases, the underlying metal can be exposed and rusting may occur. Luckily, you can paint the surface of your IMPs and restore them back to their former glory. Here’s how.

Surface Preparation

As with all exterior projects, proper surface preparation is paramount. Begin by thoroughly cleaning your metal panels of all loose dirt, chalk, and other contaminants. This can be done by hand washing with warm, soapy water or with the use of a high-pressure washer. 

Apply The Paint

  • There are many different types of factory applied coatings used on metal panels. Most generally wear down to a surface that will allow repaint coatings to adhere to the surface. A test patch is recommended before applying your paint to the entire surface. 
  • You can use acrylic latex paint or oil-based alkyd paint; just make sure you buy one that is specifically designed to paint a metal panel. Sometimes you may need to prime the surface, which will ensure that rust will not creep through and that the paint will stick.
  • You may need a roller designed for corrugated panels, or to make things easy an airless paint sprayer will apply a clean, even coating of paint along the entire surface. A sprayer will also get the job done in a fraction of the time and use less paint as well.

Now that you have all of the information you need, it’s time to begin the painting process. Either hire a professional to help you out or grab a friend and the necessary supplies, and you can get started. Need more guidance when it comes to your metal panels? Our qualified team of professionals would be happy to help you along the way! Contact us today at 1.855.838.9393 or info@ecoinsulatedpanels.com.

How To Maintain Metal Roofing Panels

When it comes to maintaining the longevity of your metal roof, upkeep is generally minimal! This high performing, low maintenance roofing material can last 50+ years with the proper care and installation. So to keep your roof “running smoothly” we have composed a streamlined process for checking and maintaining your metal roof – saving you time and money in the future!

Importance of Maintaining Your Metal Roof

Metal roofing is susceptible to scuffing, leaking, denting, degradation, and galvanic corrosion. Regular maintenance, performed a minimum of once per year, can help identify potential problems before they become expensive ones. Hotter, humid climates may need more maintenance than once per year so be sure to keep this in mind. This regular maintenance will not only keep your metal roof looking incredible, but will also extend the longevity of your metal roof!

Surface Maintenance

Surface maintenance can be performed with our without a professional, however you must take extra precautions to ensure your safety. Surface-level maintenance tasks include removing dirt and other harmful elements from the surface of your roof. Start by cleaning out gutters and drains from debris, which can lead to an accumulation of water and premature corrosion. This debris can also get stuck in seams and other “dead spots” on your roof, which can stain or scratch the paint, thereby compromising the panels outer protective layer. 

Structural Maintenance

Structural maintenance on your metal roof is more in-depth and should be performed by a qualified professional. Structural maintenance includes checking and/or fixing fasteners, rivets, and screws. These parts attach the panels to the overall structure, so it is important to make sure they are not loose, crooked or missing after the expansion and contraction of the panels over time. Panel seams should also be inspected by a professional at least once per year. Other structural maintenance includes checking and replacing sealant, which prevents natural elements from penetrating the metal roof system. 

Are you interested in having a roof that is durable, eco-friendly, low maintenance, AND long lasting? Get in touch with our exceptional team today. We will be happy to make recommendations for your home, and even steer you in the right direction based on your desired style. Contact us at info@ecoinsulatedpanels.com or 1.855.838.9393.

How Long Should a Metal Roof Last?

Lifespan of a Metal Roof

Homeowners are gravitating towards metal roofing due to their abundance of benefits. Metal roofing not only comes with unmatched strength, style, and energy efficiency. They also require far less maintenance than traditional roofing materials – even though they last longer! It almost seems too good to be true. Luckily, it isn’t. So just how long should you expect your metal roof to last?

Expected Lifespan of a Metal Roof

When it comes to the lifespan of traditional roofing materials, metals are unrivaled in their longevity. In fact, the majority of metal roofs can often last 50 to 100 years with the proper care and maintenance. Bear in mind, the ultimate lifespan of your metal roof will also depend on which material it’s made of. Copper ranks the highest, at 100 years, while steel ranks an average of 40 years. Still, compare this to traditional asphalt shingles, which only last between 10 and 20 years. 

What Makes Metal Roofs Last So Long?

  • Metal roofs handle temperature fluctuations like a pro. All materials experience slight contraction and expansion from hot to cold, but metal panels are more flexible and therefore less prone to damage from these changes. They also have a higher impact resistance and strong moisture barrier – meaning rain, hail, and snow are no problem. 
  • Live in an area with a lot of sunshine? Metal roofs are not susceptible to cracking and crumbling when exposed to high UV rays like asphalt shingles are.
  • No need to worry about creepy crawleys munching on your metal roof. Termites have no interest in eating metal panels, so your roof is far less exposed to the possibility of bugs challenging it’s structural integrity.

How To Ensure Your Metal Roofs Lifespan

Ensuring the longevity of your metal roof is easy! All it takes is a little proper care and maintenance, Metal roofs should be cleaned at least once per year, though we recommend after the change of each season. Seams should also be inspected at least once per year so that areas which require new or more sealant can be addressed before damage is able to occur.

Are you interested in having a roof that is durable, eco-friendly, low maintenance, AND long lasting? Get in touch with our expert team today. We will be happy to answer any of your questions at info@ecoinsulatedpanels.com or 1.855.838.9393.

Are Insulated Panels Suitable for All Weather?

Are Insulated Panels Suitable for All Weather

If you are looking for a strong, high performing building material – look no further than insulated metal panels (IMPs). IMPs are known for their durability, energy efficiency, and sustainability. But you may be wondering if that durability stands up to the different elements, especially in a time of climate change. Whether you live in the rugged mountains or dry desert, we’re breaking down exactly how an insulated metal panel will perform in your region. 

Rainy Climates

Nothing makes a home or building owner run faster than the thought of water damage. Moisture ending up where it shouldn’t can lead to detrimental and costly building repairs. But there’s good news. If you live in an area that experiences high amounts of precipitation, metal panels can be one of the best construction materials for you. Metal panels shed water like a pro, don’t retain any moisture, and are far from the rust ridden idea you may have in your head..

Windy Environments

Wind has a mind of its own, but some areas can expect high-speed winds more than others. This especially becomes a cause for concern when you are exploring your roofing options. Luckily, IMPs create a structurally sound roofing solution that can stand up against the most severe windy conditions.

Heavy Snow Prone Climates

Looking at you, Toronto! Heavy amounts of snow over a small period of time can be quite stressful on your roof and structure as a whole. Aside from the weight load, snow can threaten a home’s moisture barrier. That’s why lightweight metal panels were designed to withstand heavy snow loads; maintaining their individual strength and causing far less stress on your building as a whole. Concerned about hail? IMPs also come in varying degrees of thickness that contribute to their ability to withstand impact.

Wondering which type of metal panel we’d recommend for your environment? Get in touch with one of our Specialists today. Our team can make expert recommendations for your home or building, and even steer you in the right direction based on your desired style. Contact us at info@ecoinsulatedpanels.com or 1.855.838.9393.

Does a Metal Roof Increase the Value of Your Home?

If you are searching for a smart property investment, you may wish to consider a metal roof. Known for their energy efficiency, extensive lifespan, and incredible durability, metal roofs are also a great way to increase your home’s value. So how exactly does a metal roof maximize the value of your home? 

Higher Home Value Matters

The benefits a metal roof has for your home’s resale value is two-fold. For starters, potential homebuyers always prefer a home that boasts a newer roof.  Secondly, surveys have shown that metal roofs  can improve a home’s resale value by 6%. This is higher than a home with an asphalt shingle roof. Not only will a metal roof last for 50 to 70 years, but will also withstand the harshest weather conditions – with very little maintenance involved along the way. All these benefits make for an extremely attractive purchase to prospective buyers!

Reduced Energy Costs

Homes that possess a metal roof have the added benefit of saving homeowners on their heating and cooling costs. On average, homeowners with metal roofs can save up to 25% on their energy bills! With prices on the rise, this added energy efficiency makes a drastic difference to prospective buyers’ perception of your home’s overall value.

Outperforming and Outlasting

Canadians can be faced with hail, high snow volume, and wind throughout the year. Luckily, there is a metal panel built for every region’s conditions – from harsh winters to subtropical storms. Homeowners’ minds can rest easy knowing costly damages as a result of weather are not as likely with a durable metal roof.

Little Overhead Maintenance

Metal roofs maximize their value because of how low maintenance they are. Unlike traditional roofing materials, metal panels don’t require bi-annual maintenance. That means no power washing, scrubbing, or sealing that costs you both time and money. Most metal roofs simply require a quick rinse and wipe down.  

Sustainable, durable, and long-lasting. All the qualities of a new roof that make for a wonderful investment to raise your home’s value. If you’re interested in a metal roof for your home, get in touch with our expert team today. We will be happy to answer any of your questions at info@ecoinsulatedpanels.com or 1.855.838.9393.

Using Metal Panels Outside of Roofing

The material that has been taking the construction industry by storm! Metal panels have become quite the buzzword lately – especially in farmhouse and industrial style buildings. Coveted for their strength, versatility, and energy efficiency, metal panels are being used more and more as an alternative building material. Forget asphalt shingle roofs and plaster drywalls. Metal panels can be used for both! And oh so much more:

Metal Moulding

Used for more than roofing, metal panels also make excellent fifth walls! You can use metal panels to create an industrial style ceiling, or along the edges of the ceiling and wall for contrast. You can even use metal panels to create focal points over lighting fixtures or delineating spaces in buildings with open floor plans. Add strips of LED lighting for extra pizazz.

Metal Accent Wall

What better way to create contrast or texture than with a metal panel? These panels can be used to create backdrops in gardens or other outer areas of a structure. While colorful panels can be used to add pops of color in open spaces. Coming in a variety of styles and finishes, some panels can even be used to mimic other materials, such as wood.

Metal Wainscoting

Nothing adds a modern touch quite like metal wainscoting! This interior accent has become increasingly popular in commercial and restaurant spaces, especially those in more heavily developed towns. When used in small spaces, this design technique can make the room appear larger than it is.

Paneled Kitchen Island

Islands already make a statement. Make a bigger one by using textured or sleek metal panels along your kitchen island! They can even be used in commercial kitchen applications due to their impermeable surface. Other interior applications using metal panels could be a kitchen or bathroom backsplash, or metal cabinetry.

While these are just a few ideas, the true possibility of metal panels are endless! If you can dream it up, a metal panel can likely make it happen. Are you ready to utilize metal panels in unique and exciting ways within your building? Contact our team today to learn more. We will be happy to answer any of your questions at info@ecoinsulatedpanels.com or 1.855.838.9393.

How Long Can A Roof Made Of Insulated Panels Last?

Lifespan of Insulated Roof Panel

The use of insulated panels can span far beyond commercial applications. Homeowners are beginning to enjoy the benefits of insulated panels too! Insulated roof panels are not only economical, but also provide unrivaled R-values and energy efficiency. Who  doesn’t enjoy utility bills? What else do IRPs bring to the table, and how long can you expect your roof to last when utilizing them?

1. What Are Insulated Roof Panels?

Insulated roof panels consist of metal panels with steel skins and an insulating foam core. This foam core, usually PIR or PUR foam, adds a layer of insulation to buildings which increases their overall energy efficiency. Insulated roof panels are not only known for their superior thermal properties, but also their design flexibility, strength, and quick installation time.

2. What Makes Insulated Roof Panels So Durable?

Insulated roof panels are weather-sealed and provide a strong thermal and moisture barrier. This makes them far less susceptible to damage from the elements overtime. Wood shingles can and do weather and in addition, mold, and moss has a tendency grow on the shingles which are in shaded areas. Concrete tile roofs may seem like the most durable roofing material, however, they suffer from problems brought on by freeze/thaw cycles in northern climates. 

3. How Long Do Metal Roof Panels Last?

Overall, IRPs provide a long lifespan that can be upwards of 60 years. Many even come with a 50 year warranty. Compare this with the 12 to 20 year lifespan of premium traditional roofing materials. With insulated roof panels, your home shouldn’t need a roof replacement for a long time. 

4. Speaking Of Elements, IRPs are Fire-Resistant.

Additionally, metal roof panels provide exceptional fire resistance. The panels are made from non-combustible steel, preventing the spread of fire to your house. Fire-resistant roofing is a must if you’re located in an area that’s prone to wildfires.

5. IRPs Are Cost-Effective.

If you are looking to maximize your ROI, IRPs should be your first choice of roofing material. The use of these panels results in far less utility costs and maintenance investment over time. Providing you with significant cost savings in the long run compared to traditional roofing materials.

Planning to install a metal roof? We can help. Contact our qualified team of professionals at 519-451-7663 or info@ecoinsulatedpanels.com.

Which Projects Are Best For IMPs?

Insulated Metal Panels (IMPs) are the ultimate option for a single step, factory insulated, energy saving construction material. IMPs are an all-in-one single element panel system that can be used for walls, partitions, ceilings, and even roof applications. The leading innovative structural material, metal panels are durable, economical and quick to install. So which construction projects find themselves utilizing IMPs the most?

Commercial or Industrial Buildings

Recreational buildings, manufacturing facilities, even institutional and government buildings are all excellent candidates for construction with IMP. Large schools or retail centers can directly benefit from the excellent insulation and energy efficiency of IMPs. The ease of installation means these buildings can also be completed more quickly than when using traditional construction materials. 

Architecturally Unique Buildings

From an architectural design standpoint, IMPs offer a superior advantage. With these panels, architects can incorporate tailored shapes, unique colors or finishes, and an endless array of custom fabrication. This can mean curved panels, trimless ends, or unexpected integrated materials. When incorporating IMPs, you are also incorporating multiple applications and design opportunities. Designers and architects everywhere can truly create one-of-a-kind buildings.

Climate Controlled Facilities

IMPs are considered the ultimate solution for climate-controlled facilities. Whether that’s a greenhouse, storage building, distribution facility, or a manufacturing plant. IMPs have the ability to meet your specific thermal performance need. Aside from varying thicknesses, high performance coatings can be applied to improve the buildings energy efficiency. For buildings dealing with perishable items, special panels and joint designs can be utilized to meet hygiene and contamination requirements.

Insulated Roofs

Roofs constructed with IMPs provide the greatest insulation, simplest maintenance, and longest life. Add in that roofs also boast the quickest installation for commercial and industrial roofing applications. The essentially two-step installation process speeds means less labor and reduces the materials required for construction; lowering the overall carbon footprint of the roof.

Top of the line insulation, accelerated construction timelines, and environmentally responsible; there really is no building project that wouldn’t benefit from utilizing Insulated Metal Panels. Are you considering IMPs for your next building project? Contact our qualified team of professionals at 519-451-7663 or info@ecoinsulatedpanels.com.