Mini Storage Building Materials with Insulated Metal Panels

Mini Storage Building Materials with Insulated Metal Panels

The mini storage industry has grown by leaps and bounds over the past 30 years and shows no signs of slowing down. At ECO-INSULATED Panel Manufacturing Inc. our insulated metal panels have helped fuel the boom by providing mini storage building Owners a versatile single component system they can rely on at a price they can afford. Your customer’s belongings will be safe and secure behind our insulated metal panel walls and you’ll be able to offer a climate controlled environment for less cost because our insulated metal panels create an effective building envelope that’s several steps above traditional cavity filled insulated wall assemblies.

The Most Effective Mini Storage Building Materials Available

The mini storage business is growing and competitive. Gone are the days when a single unheated mini storage facility on the outskirts of town sits half-empty all year. Today, increasing prosperity has meant more individuals have more things they need to store and new mini storage units have been filling up almost as fast as they are built. Insulated metal panels from ECO-INSULATED Panel Manufacturing Inc. provide a versatile single component insulating mini storage building material. Owners realize the following benefits:

  1. They make construction affordable: No more armies of tradespeople to pay, no more months of construction time. Mini storage units made from our insulated metal panels can be constructed and open for business in just a few weeks. You’ll start seeing returns on investment sooner and you’ll only pay a fraction of what it would have cost to build your facility using old fashioned building construction methods.

  2. They provide cost effective climate control: Climate control was one of those things that was slow to catch on with owners of mini storage facilities. Mostly because of the cost involved. Today however you can build your facility for a fraction of what it used to cost and the facility you build will be inexpensive to heat and cool because of the first class insulation provided by our insulated metal panels.

  3. They provide security: Insulated metal panel construction is much stronger and less susceptible to intrusions than storage facilities with wooden frames or those built using sheets of corrugated metal. Our insulated panels form a strong, unified wall that retains its dimensional stability and resists being pried open.

  4. They’re perfect for cold storage: The top class insulating properties provided by our insulated metal panels are perfect for designing and constructing cold storage facilities. Warehouses, factories, research centres, hospitals, restaurants and more will benefit from the affordability and cost effective operation of cold storage units created using insulated metal panels.

  5. They keep the weather out: Some mini storage facilities are so porous you can feel the wind coming through the walls with every gust. That won’t happen when you use insulated metal panels from ECO-INSULATED Panel Manufacturing Inc. Your facility will be tightly sealed against the elements to keep your customer’s belongings safe from environmental damage.

The quality of workmanship that goes into every insulated metal panel we manufacture ensures they will join perfectly with neighbouring panels, they will keep the weather outside where it belongs and that your mini storage facility will provide many years of outstanding service and return on investment.

Call our team today at 855-838-9393 for more information about using insulated metal panels manufactured by ECO-INSULATED Panel Manufacturing Inc. as your choice mini storage building materials.

Mini Storage Building Materials - Applications
Eco-Insulated Panel Manufacturing Facility




531 Shaw Road
Dorchester, Ontario
N0L 1G4


Phone: 519-451-7663
Fax: 519-451-7669

Toll free: 1-855-838-9393
Hours: Mon - Fri 8:30AM - 5PM